Faith Kids

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” – Matthew 19: 14

We value children at Faith and consider it a true privilege to teach kids about Jesus.  We offer a variety of opportunities for your child to connect at church and grow in their faith.


We also offer Nursery for Infants through age five.  Nursery care is available during worship service.  For children that are not yet ready to participate in the full worship service, the nursery leaders will bring children into the sanctuary on Sunday mornings for the children’s message and for Holy Communion.  This allows even our youngest to participate in the worship service on a regular basis.

Worship Bags

We love having kids in worship with us on Sunday mornings!   However, we also understand that sometimes their attention spans are limited and can’t handle a full hour of quiet, focused time!  For this reason, we provide children’s worship bags complete with paper, crayons, pencils and children’s books.  Please feel free to pick up one of these blue bags located just inside the main church entrance on the right – and return after the service.  Who knows, your child may take some great notes and draw some relevant images that connect beautifully to what they have learned and experienced through worship.

Safe Sanctuaries

To ensure the utmost safety of our young people, ALL of our nursery and Sunday school and youth workers have completed a national criminal background check and have been trained in Safe Sanctuaries’ procedures.